Ideas For Independent Service Projects

Want to do some volunteering on your own? Below, please find a list of ideas that you might find interesting to pursue on your own, and how to go about them.

1.  Visiting a nursing home

Loneliness is a major problem among the residents of nursing homes and assisted living facilities. Something as simple as a conversation with a stranger can make a world of difference to them – and if you think that’s “up your alley”, we recommend you reach out to any nursing homes in your area!

Google is your friend, so use it to get in touch with these facilities, and ask if they have any room for volunteers.

2. Volunteer for, or donate supplies to, a homeless shelter

Homeless shelters have many different opportunities for volunteers. Both item donation and in-person volunteer work is typically welcomed; that being said, be sure to contact your local shelter to make sure that their opportunities are 1) available and 2) match your interests.

3. Gather and donate food to a local food bank

Hunger remains a reality of life for too many people, even in developed countries. Food banks are organizations dedicated to helping solve this problem – and they are always in need of more donations to keep their work going. 

If you’d like, you can take charge of rounding up food from your family, neighbours, and friends to donate. Alternatively, you can volunteer at these food banks yourself.

4. Volunteer at an Animal Rescue Shelter

Animal rescue shelters can be found in most major cities and metropolitan areas; often, they are in need of additional volunteers and value any help they can get from the public.

Look up animal rescue centres in and around your hometown, and contact them – they will have an established process for volunteer intake.

5. Act as a mentor to troubled youth

Mentoring at-risk youth is an excellent way to partake in a fulfilling volunteer opportunity. Programs for such initiatives are typically found in larger cities, the specifics of which can be found online, and often vary in terms of their details – the type of youth they benefit, the type of volunteers they’re looking for, etc. Make sure you pick the right one!

6. Build with Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity helps provide homes for low-income families and individuals, both domestically and abroad. They are active in most every part of the United States; if you'd like to volunteer, reach out to your local branch, and follow their advice on how best to contribute.

7. Pick up trash

Among the easiest volunteering you can do is to help beautify your community. You can do this by yourself, without having to check with any local organizations -- simply take up a trash bag, and pick up trash your find on your block. Plastics and other waste do untold, unreported damage to our local ecosystems; do your part to stop this, and pick up any trash you come across!